Li Ang
Founder and CEO @ Simular

I am a startup founder in artificial intelligence, with a variety of research and product experiences on autonomous driving, videos, cameras, maps, advertisements, etc. My research aims at building lifelong autonomous agents. Previously, I worked at Google DeepMind, Baidu Apollo, Facebook AI Research, CMU Robotics, Apple, Google Streetview, and Comcast Labs DC. I received my Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Maryland College Park. My PhD thesis is spatial perception from visual and linguisitc information.


  1. Building an open-vocabulary video CLIP model with better architectures, optimization and data. PAMI 2024. bib
    Zuxuan Wu, Zejia Weng, Wujian Peng, Xitong Yang, Ang Li, Larry S. Davis, Yu-Gang Jiang
  2. PolicyCleanse: Backdoor Detection and Mitigation for Competitive Reinforcement Learning. ICCV 2023. bib
    Junfeng Guo, Ang Li, Cong Liu.
  3. Transforming CLIP to an Open-vocabulary Video Model via Interpolated Weight Optimization. ICML 2023. bib
    Zejia Weng, Xitong Yang, Ang Li, Zuxuan Wu, Yu-Gang Jiang
  4. Hyperspherical Federated Learning. ECCV 2022. bib
    Xin Dong, Sai Qian Zhang, Ang Li, H.T. Kung
  5. Semi-Supervised Vision Transformers. ECCV 2022. bib
    Zejia Weng, Xitong Yang, Ang Li, Zuxuan Wu, Yu-Gang Jiang.
  6. Neural Mean Discrepancy for Efficient Out-of-Distribution Detection. CVPR 2022. bibtex
    Xin Dong, Junfeng Guo, Ang Li, Wei-Te Ting, Cong Liu, H.T. Kung.
  7. Information-theoretic Online Memory Selection for Continual Learning. ICLR 2022. bibtex
    Shengyang Sun, Daniele Calandriello, Huiyi Hu, Ang Li, Michalis Titsias.
  8. AEVA: Black-box Backdoor Detection Using Adversarial Extreme Value Analysis. ICLR 2022. code bibtex
    Junfeng Guo, Ang Li, Cong Liu.
  9. One Pass ImageNet. NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on ImageNet. bibtex
    Huiyi Hu, Ang Li, Daniele Calandriello, Dilan Gorur.
  10. ETA Prediction with Graph Neural Networks in Google Maps. CIKM 2021. bibtex
    Austin Derrow-Pinion, Jennifer She, David Wong, Oliver Lange, Todd Hester, Luis Perez, Marc Nunkesser, Seongjae Lee, Xueying Guo, Brett Wiltshire, Peter Battaglia, Vishal Gupta, Ang Li, Zhongwen Xu, Alvaro Sanchez-Gonzalez, Yujia Li, Petar Veličković.
  11. Task-agnostic Continual Learning with Hybrid Probabilistic Models. ICML 2021 workshop. bibtex
    Polina Kirichenko, Mehrdad Farajtabar, Dushyant Rao, Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Nir Levine, Ang Li, Huiyi Hu, Andrew Gordon Wilson, Razvan Pascanu.
  12. The Effectiveness of Memory Replay in Large Scale Continual Learning. CVPR 2021 Workshop on Continual Learning. bibtex
    Yogesh Balaji, Mehrdad Farajtabar, Dong Yin, Alex Mott, Ang Li.
  13. PredCoin: Defense against Query-based Hard-label Attack. 2021.
    Junfeng Guo, Yaswanth Yadlapalli, Thiele Lothar, Ang Li, Cong Liu
  14. Learning to Incentivize Other Learning Agents. NeurIPS 2020. bibtex code
    Jiachen Yang, Ang Li, Mehrdad Farajtabar, Peter Sunehag, Edward Hughes and Hongyuan Zha.
  15. SOLA: Continual Learning with Second-Order Loss Approximation. ICML 2020 Workshop on Continual Learning. bibtex
    Dong Yin, Mehrdad Farajtabar, Ang Li.
  16. The AVA-Kinetics Localized Human Actions Video Dataset. 2020. data bibtex
    Ang Li, Meghana Thotakuri, David A. Ross, Joao Carreira, Alexander Vostrikov, Andrew Zisserman.
  17. Hybrid Models for Open Set Recognition. ECCV 2020 Oral. bibtex
    Hongjie Zhang, Ang Li, Jie Guo, Yanwen Guo.
  18. PhysGAN: Generating Physical-World-Resilient Adversarial Examples for Autonomous Driving. CVPR 2020. bibtex
    Zelun Kong, Junfeng Guo, Ang Li, Cong Liu.
  19. Orthogonal Gradient Descent for Continual Learning. AISTATS 2020. bibtex
    Mehrdad Farajtabar, Navid Azizan, Alex Mott, Ang Li.
  20. Prediction, Consistency, Curvature: Representation Learning for Locally-Linear Control. ICLR 2020. bibtex
    Nir Levine, Yinlam Chow, Rui Shu, Ang Li, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, Hung Bui.
  21. Improved Knowledge Distillation via Teacher Assistant. AAAI 2020. Bibtex
    Seyed-Iman Mirzadeh, Mehrdad Farajtabar, Ang Li, Nir Levine, Akihiro Matsukawa, Hassan Ghasemzadeh.
  22. Data Efficient Training for Reinforcement Learning with Adaptive Behavior Policy Sharing. NeurIPS 2019 workshop. bibtex
    Ge Liu, Heng-Tze Cheng, Rui Wu, Jing Wang, Jayiden Ooi, Lihong Li, Ang Li, Sibon Li, Craig Boutilier.
  23. Cross-View Policy Learning for Street Navigation. ICCV 2019. bibtex
    Ang Li*, Huiyi Hu*, Piotr Mirowski, Mehrdad Farajtabar.
  24. A Generalized Framework for Population Based Training. KDD 2019. youtube bibtex
    Ang Li, Ola Spyra, Sagi Perel, Valentin Dalibard, Max Jaderberg, Chenjie Gu, David Budden, Tim Harley, Pramod Gupta.
  25. SNR: Sub-Network Routing for Flexible Parameter Sharing in Multi-task Learning. AAAI 2019.
    Jiaqi Ma, Zhe Zhao, Jilin Chen, Ang Li, Lichan Hong, Ed H. Chi.
  26. Improving Open Set Domain Adaptation Using Image-to-Image Translation. ICME 2019.
    Hongjie Zhang, Ang Li, Xu Han, Zhaoming Chen, Yang Zhang, Yanwen Guo.
  27. Layout-induced Video Representation for Recognizing Agent-in-Place Actions. ICCV 2019. bibtex
    Ruichi Yu, Hongcheng Wang, Ang Li, Jingxiao Zheng, Vlad I. Morariu, Larry S. Davis.
  28. C-WSL: Count-guided Weakly Supervised Localization. ECCV 2018. bibtex
    Mingfei Gao, Ang Li, Ruichi Yu, Vlad I. Morariu, Larry S. Davis.
  29. NISP: Pruning Networks using Neuron Importance Score Propagation. CVPR 2018. bibtex
    Ruichi Yu, Ang Li, Chun-Fu Chen, Jui-Hsin Lai, Vlad I. Morariu, Xintong Han, Mingfei Gao, Ching-Yung Lin, Larry S. Davis.
  30. Dynamic Zoom-in Network for Fast Object Detection in Large Images. CVPR 2018. bibtex
    Mingfei Gao, Ruichi Yu, Ang Li, Vlad I. Morariu, Larry S. Davis.
  31. Learning Visual N-Grams from Web Data. ICCV 2017. bibtex
    Ang Li, Allan Jabri, Armand Joulin and Laurens van der Maaten.
  32. Visual Relationship Detection with Internal and External Linguistic Knowledge Distillation. ICCV 2017. bibtex
    Ruichi Yu, Ang Li, Vlad I. Morariu and Larry S. Davis.
  33. Generating Holistic 3D Scene Abstractions for Text-based Image Retrieval. CVPR 2017. poster data code bibtex
    Ang Li, Jin Sun, Joe Yue-Hei Ng, Ruichi Yu, Vlad I. Morariu and Larry S. Davis.
  34. Towards Unified Data and Lifecycle Management for Deep Learning. ICDE 2017. bibtex
    Hui Miao, Ang Li, Larry S. Davis and Amol Deshpande
  35. On Model Discovery For Hosted Data Science Projects. SIGMOD 2017 workshop. bibtex
    Hui Miao, Ang Li, Larry S. Davis and Amol Deshpande.
  36. Selective Encoding for Recognizing Unreliably Localized Faces. ICCV 2015 spotlight. youtube code bibtex
    Ang Li, Vlad I. Morariu and Larry S. Davis.
  37. Efficient Discriminative Nonorthogonal Binary Subspace with its Application to Visual Tracking. 2015. bibtex
    Ang Li, Feng Tang, Yanwen Guo and Hai Tao.
  38. Planar Structure Matching Under Projective Uncertainty for Geolocation. ECCV 2014. youtube bibtex
    Ang Li, Vlad I. Morariu and Larry S. Davis.
  39. Object Tracking Using Learned Feature Manifolds. CVIU 2013. bibtex
    Yanwen Guo, Ye Chen, Feng Tang, Ang Li, Weitao Luo, and Mingming Liu.
  40. Bag of Textons for Image Segmentation via Soft Clustering and Convex Shift. CVPR 2012. bibtex
    Zhiding Yu, Ang Li, Oscar C. Au and Chunjing Xu.
  41. Discriminative Nonorthogonal Binary Subspace Tracking. ECCV 2010. bibtex
    Ang Li, Feng Tang, Yanwen Guo and Hai Tao.

Press Coverage

Academic Service

  • Journal Reviewer:
    • IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
    • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)
    • IEEE Transaction on Image Processing (TIP)
    • The Visual Computer Journal (TVCJ)
    • SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI)
    • IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics
    • Robotics and Autonomous Systems
    • Machine Learning
  • Session Chair:
    • International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2021
  • Area Chair:
    • NeurIPS Workshop on Meta Learning 2021
    • NeurIPS Workshop on Meta Learning 2022
  • Senior Program Committee:
    • AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2021
    • International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2020, 2021
    • International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) 2020
  • Program Committee:
    • International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
    • Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)
    • IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
    • International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
    • IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
    • European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
    • International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
    • International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)
    • ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM)

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